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Morris Wolff

About The Book
The story of Holocaust hero Raoul Wallenberg and the author's efforts to rescue him from Soviet Union imprisonment.
It is widely known that the Swedish diplomat, Raoul Wallenberg, worked in Budapest, Hungary, during WWII to save the lives of over 100,000 Jews from Nazi extermination. But what happened after the hero disappeared in 1946? This never-before told story reveals Wallenberg's detention by the Russians and relates the legal and diplomatic efforts of the author, Morris Wolff, and others to gain (or impede) his release from the Soviet Union. Playing a role in the saga are such participants as Chief Justice John Roberts, President Richard Nixon, President Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger and Leonid Brezhnev. Attorney Wolff's efforts to gain justice for the kidnapped Swedish hero, which began in 1983, continue to this day.
"All lawyers and human rights advocates who wish to contribute to the good, and to be master builders of justice in our country must read this book."
-Barack H. Obama
"In this fascinating book Morris records the details of his twenty-seven year search for Wallenberg. But most of all you will read a good book, and witness how much one man can do to achieve Justice."
-William J. Clinton

About The Author
Morris Wolff is a distinguished and highly experienced trial lawyer and public prosecutor. Educated at the Yale Law School, his first assignment was to work directly with Robert F Kennedy on the Civil Rights and Immigration laws of the USA. Tapped by Raoul Wallenberg's only brother and other members of the Wallenberg family in 1983 Morris Wolff worked pro bono and without fee for 30 years to achieve the rescue and freedom of Raoul Wallenberg. The details are in his book. He has taught International Law at Kings College in London and the University of Pennylvania in Philadelphia, the city of his birth where he has practiced law for 35 years.
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