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Morris Wolff

About The Author
Morris Wolff is a distinguished and highly experienced trial lawyer and public prosecutor. Educated at the Yale Law School, his first assignment was to work directly with Robert F Kennedy on the Civil Rights and Immigration laws of the USA. Tapped by Raoul Wallenberg's only brother and other members of the Wallenberg family in 1983 Morris Wolff worked pro bono and without fee for 30 years to achieve the rescue and freedom of Raoul Wallenberg. The details are in his book. He has taught International Law at Kings College in London and the University of Pennylvania in Philadelphia, the city of his birth where he has practiced law for 35 years. He has won many awards. Presently he is the Holland America Lines Distinguished guest lecturer on Wallenberg, Teddy Roosevelt and American History. You can join Morris on one of his HAL cruises by contacting Holland America c/0 Lynn Garfi at 800 355 3017 ext.29334 or Morris is fluent in French, Spanish and German. He served as the first Secretary General of AIESEC, an international business student exchange program with programs in 85 countries and over 5,000 exchanges per year. In September of 1993 Morris was given the United nations Peace Award for his work on the Raoul Wallenberg rescue effort and his efforts to achieve international peace through student exchange.
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